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Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's start the discussion.

What do you remember about about 9-11, 2001?

I remember with incredible sadness the thought of how many firefighters were fighting to help people out of the towers, get up to the fire and put it out.  In the days after, the incredible numbers of loss of life from three different sites was unbelievable.

What do you remember?

1 comment:

  1. I was getting ready for school and I could not grasp what I was seeing on the television. It seemed unreal and millions of miles away, as if it was not even happening. It was not until I got to school, and the towers had fallen, did I understand what it all meant and just how many people were lost in those few short hours. A wave of fear and grief hit me, nobody knew what to expect next. Being in college at the time I was able to go home and be with my family. We watched the horrors and sadness continue throughout the night on the TV.
